À propos de
The Friends of Eastbourne Hospital are holding a Christmas Coffee Morning on Saturday 25 November 2023 from 10 am – 12 pm in All Saints' Church Hall on Grange Road in Eastbourne. Visitors can kick-start their Christmas shopping at this lovely, traditional event, where there will be a large variety of stalls including: Gifts, Cakes, Preserves, Toys, Cards, Jewellery, Patchwork, Home-made Gifts and Books, as well as a raffle. Tea, coffee and cake will also be available.
All monies raised will go towards the Friends' current major fundraising project to equip the DGH with a nuclear medicine gamma camera. This will enable quicker identification of cancer markers in patients and it will speed up the analysis of how invasive the cancer is. It works faster than current diagnostic equipment which will mean more patients can be investigated, and cancer waits can be reduced.
Please do come along, get into the seasonal spirit, and support your local hospital. There is no charge to enter the event.