Beer Festival on Tour
Designed to celebrate and compliment the return of the October Beer Festival to a new home at the Welcome Building whilst giving you the opportunity to sample some of the finest local Beers, Ciders and Ales that Eastbourne pubs and the surrounding areas have to offer.
Running from August to November, we’ve hand-picked the best pubs for real ale, traditional cider and even checked the nearest public transport routes home.

Over 30 different venues!
Choose from over 30 perfect pubs and idyllic inns around Eastbourne and our surrounding countryside for a discovery of some of Sussex’s best local ales and ciders.
Pick up a stamp at 20 pub-stops and you’ll be on your way to claiming your free festival t-shirt, sponsored by Harvey’s Brewery. Stamp five more (25) and you’re in with a chance of winning one of two exclusive Harvey’s Brewery tours for you and your friends.